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Zahir ibn Alhaz (pronounced zah-HEER eeb-uhn AHL-hahz) was a Bazhir tribesman who started page training in the autumn of 450 HE, two years before Keladry of Mindelan began her probationary period. He was part of King Jonathan's political plans to further relations with the Bazhir. As such, he was probably a high-born Bazhir tribesman and perhaps the son of a chief.

Biographical Information

Training for Knighthood

When Kel arrived at the palace in the autumn of 452 HE, Zahir was against her coming, saying that women had no place taking up arms and that she should return behind the veil. He sided, at least at first, with Joren of Stone Mountain and Vinson of Genlith. Garvey of Runnerspring and the first-year page Zahir sponsored, Quinden of Marti's Hill joined Joren's pack later. At first, though, it was just the three of them. They bullied first-years and tried to drive Kel out of training. At some point, he tired of fighting "The Lump" and her friends, and said that it was childish. He also offered Joren friendship if he ever tired of it, but said that he would have nothing more to do with him until then.

When Zahir passed his big examinations, he became squire to King Jonathan, further setting tradition on its ear[1]. Jonathan wanted to further and improve good relations with the Bazhir. Kel received no more trouble from Zahir, but she received a lot from his old friends. At some point, when it looked like Joren had reformed from his ways, he and Zahir became friends again. It is unknown, though, whether or not they were distanced again after information of Joren's kidnapping of Lalasa Isran came to public light. It is probable that Joren's actions put a damper on their friendship yet again, as Zahir made it clear that he was done with trying to get rid of Kel in the past. This could especially be true as Joren used dishonorable means to harm Kel through kidnapping someone in her care.

Zahir passed his Ordeal of Knighthood in the Midwinter of 458 HE, becoming a Knight of the Realm[2]. The morning after his Ordeal had an audience due to the recent failures of Vinson of Genlith and Joren, the latter who had died during his Ordeal.

Physical description

Zahir is described as having a leonine disposition, being tall, graceful, and proud[3].

Personality and traits

At first, his demeanor is cold and cruel as he was a part of Joren's pack. He fights with Kel often and hurts her, using every tactic Joren's posse knows in order to get rid of her. After a while, though, he tired of fighting with Kel and her friends, claiming it was childish. Even so, he never became friends with Kel.

Notes and references

  1. Page, Ch. 6 "More Changes" (pg. 101; Random House paperback)
  2. Squire, Ch. 14 "Friends" (pg. 283; Random House paperback)
  3. First Test, early chapters

See also
