The as-yet-untitled Tortall television adaptation will be a TV series set in the Tortallan Universe. It may be an adaptation of any or all of the books set in the Tortallan Universe. The series was announced November 1, 2019.[1]
The series will be produced by Lionsgate and Playground Entertainment. The executive producers will be Colin Callender, Scott Huff and David A. Stern, all from Playground.
The content of the series is unknown, but the style may take inspiration from the Game of Thrones TV series, as the producers have "hopes of turning it into a tentpole series that crosses over between fans of Game of Thrones and YA novels."[1]
Tamora Pierce has referred to it as a "TV or film project," suggesting that the project could change to be a film instead of (or in addition to) a TV series. Pierce does not yet know what her level of involvement will be in production.[2]