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Tamora Pierce Wiki

Page and Squire Years

Owen of Jesslaw entered page training a year after Keladry of Mindelan and was sponsored by Prince Roald of Conte. He became friends with Keladry after she stopped Joren of Stone Mountain and friends from bullying Owen, who had ventured into a library on his own. Owen's intense dislike of hill bandits stems from the fact that his mother was killed by bandits. In Owen's second year, two of his cousins - Iden and Warric - enter page training at the royal palace.

Because Owen's squire years coincided with The Royal Progress, he was not immediately approached by any active knights of the realm, and was temporarily placed under the care of Master Oakbridge. When Lord Wyldon of Cavall resigned from the position of Training Master, Keladry asked him to consider Owen as a squire; a suggestion that Wyldon ultimately acted upon.

In Lady Knight, Owen was part of the group that accompanied Keladry on her mission into Scanra, committing treason and abandoning his knight-master during war-time in the process. Owen's horse, Happy was one of the casualties of the Scanran War. According to Tamora Pierce, Owen is engaged to Margarry of Cavall, Lord Wyldon's youngest daughter.
